Darrell Egli  President JJ Agri Service, Crawfordsville, IA

Darrell Egli President JJ Agri Service, Crawfordsville, IA

Improving your Farms Energy Efficency


Steve Berger – Wellman, IA

The February Wallaces Farmer features southeast Iowa farmer Steve Berger and his father, Dennis, on the front cover. The online story includes a slide show of the year in the life of a cover crop on the Berger farm. The Bergers are inquisitive and courageous to try different farming practices. They have been no-tilling for 35 years and have been using cover crops for 10 years. They now have cover crops on all their acres.

Wallace Farmer Articles on Cover Crops

Cover Crops Calendar

Covers Catching On

Critical Months For Cover Crop Operations

The Reed Family  -  Washington, IA

The Reed Family – Washington, IA

Preparing for Planting Season